What is Water
- Water is made of tiny molecules of Hydrogen and oxygen.
- Each molecules is so small that you can’t see it even with the most powerful microscope.
- Pure water has no colour ,no taste and doesn’t smell of anything.
- Water is the best Health Drink in the World that contains no Fat ,no Calories and no Cholesterol.
- Water itself is a great Healer and Immunity – Booster
Drinking water related issues.
- 70% of India's water is contaminated
- 75% of household do not have drinking water on the premises
- 84% of rular household do not have access to piped water
- Microbiologically contaminated drinking water can transmit diseases such as Diarrhea, Cholera, Dysentery, Typhoid and Polio and is estimated to cause 485 000 Diarrheal deaths each year